Friday, November 9, 2012

CIA Director Resigns or Was Forced Out -- You Decide

Someone in Washington either wanted CIA Director Petraeus to pay for his insolence in the whole Benghazi coverup. The Obama administration needed the media to coverup the fact that the CIA decided not to roll over and play the fall guy after the attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi that killed the American Ambassador. The CIA let it be known that the White House was responsible for the inaction that took place. Someone didn't like this and apparently played the adultery card on the General, who is now the former CIA director. 

So you may ask, what does this have to do with the economic collapse? Everything. The Obama administration is cleaning house. Hillary, their former enemy, is going. No longer needed they tossed her like a spent whore. Petraeus, who many on the Left at one time accused of plotting a coup with Dick Cheney, is gone and gone in an ugly way. Everyone who had a taint on them is going. Obama is looking for a new crew.

We'll see if he gets rid of tax cheat and fluffer for Wall Street, Tim Geithner. I suspect he won't because Geithner is to Obama what Smithers is to Mr. Burns. A loyal lap dog that will run interference when Obama needs Wall Street to prop up the bankrupt U.S. treasury. 

Mark my words, before the end of this year you will hear rumblings about allowing Obama to run for a third term. And when you do we'll see if people like General Petraeus are really retired.

700,000 Argentines Protest Christina Fernandez

Inflation in Argentina is running about 25% and the populous wants relief. They are also infuriated that Ms. Fernandez' government is trying to change the Constitution to allow her to run for a third term.

Are you listening, Barack 'President for Life' Obama?

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Greece Approves Austerity Vote as Riots Continue

Maybe one of my friends or readers from Greece will comment on this but how is it possible to have a vote on something so crucial to the economic needs of each citizen and have 18 people abstain? I don't want to pass judgement but I would be more then happy to let you. To me, unless you are on your deathbed you either approve or disapprove. It sounds like a certain State Senator from Illinois who went on to become President a couple years later being known for voting 'Present' over 100 times.

The broader picture is that the people of Greece are being used as pawns by the EU, Angela Merkel, and the banks. That is sad beyond description.

In the U.S., the ramifications of a second Obama term are starting to hit home. The stock market tanked yesterday while belwhether stocks like Apple continue to tumble. This trend will continue as we wait for Congress to fight over taxes and debt.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

EU -- Union? What Union?

From The Local

Hundreds of Belgian Ford employees targeted a German factory on Wednesday in a border-hopping protest at the closure of their factory and looming unemployment. Some stormed the building but were later persuaded to leave.


American Election Results Good for Collapse and Chaos

It's interesting reading the reactions to Obama winning reelection. It is as if no one took away any lessons from the past four years. Strategists and schemers are lined up on each side, prepared to hold their position and go to war with each other and ignore any sense of compromise.

Sure, there were token comments made by the two puppets that we need to work together and all that nonsense but you know it isn't going to happen. Even the sheeple that gathered to hear Obama speak in Chicago know that.

Which is a good thing. And, which is a good reason why everyone should feel good that Obama won. Not because he is this great unifier or some shining example of diversity in the United States. No, we should feel good because he will take this election to mean his policies are working -- even when they are not.

The stock market will continue to adore Obama. Fewer jobs - higher profit and what better way to a world of fewer jobs then to impose burdensome government mandates on companies and individuals. Look what the U.S. has to look forward to in the near future.

1. Sequestration -- Congress and the President made a 'deal' to reduce spending or else. Of course neither side was willing to adhere to that deal so we face the fiscal cliff scenario where automatic cuts in defense and social spending kick in. I fully expect these liars to lie once again and push this back. It will be spending as usual. Ben Bernanke will have a non-Viagra induced hard-on once he hears those printing presses whir.

2. Bush Tax Cuts Expiring -- Obama claims he will let the Bush era tax cuts expire which will hurt everyone. His rationale is that he can do it to the upper middle class and wealthy and the middle class will feel no effect. That's bullshit and he knows it. But it makes for great Photoshop material on Facebook.

3. European bailouts -- Oh yes, the evil American empire is footing a good chunk of the bailouts and restructuring (read: handouts) for European banks and governments. Sorry, banks and governments are one and the same.

4. Fed QE programs -- QE 3,4,5,6, etc... will continue under Obama. This means the Fed gets to print more money and artificially keep interest rates low. This is part of a larger Ponzi scheme that is due to crash down around all of them. I can only hope it happens on Obama's watch and he develops and ulcer or goes back to smoking.

We're in for a bumpy ride but hopefully it will produce results. We need this crash and we need it soon. Some believe it will happen within the next six months. A year ago I would have told you it was going to happen this December. It will happen but maybe not for another year or two.

The bankers still need to wring Greece dry, finish off Spain and set their sights on Italy before the whole house of cards comes down.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Polls Start to Close in Two Hours -- Let the Hilarity Begin

Is it 2012 or 2000 again? Or even 2008? I'm beginning to see why the New Black Panther Party felt compelled to station 'soldiers' in front of polling places in and around Philadelphia. I can also see why the United Nations felt the need to send observers to keep an eye out for shenanigans.

Obama's people are hanging portraits, posters and placing voting machines next to murals depicting their Messiah. Romney supporters are initiating robo-calls and counting on provisional ballots to be tossed out because, in their racist way of thinking, the poor can't fill out a form without some bureaucrat helping them. 

This is the same shit we have dealt with in pretty much every election I have witnessed. My voting record goes back to 1980 and while there have always been shenanigans, they never were so openly accepted. Now, someone breaks the law and someone else is there to question whether they really did. Yes, they really did. 

Of course the media ignores law-breaking when it favors their candidate. The behavior of the media has been so bad, so atrocious, across the board in this election. If Romney pulls this out, it will get even uglier then with Obama.

I'm beginning to wonder whether Obama can pull this out. I picked him to win the electoral but I am beginning to doubt that. I don't have a dog in this hunt so I could care less who does win but I can see the pros and cons of an Obama loss.

The cons are that I felt he would accelerate the collapse of the dollar (and thus the Euro) and we could begin to repair this mess we are in as a planet. That is a major con. This collapse needs to happen and we all need to work towards it's eventuality.

The pros of an Obama loss are that he is a rank amateur who still acts like the naive community organizer who came to the White House four years ago with less management experience then someone working at the Home Depot. His Marxism is misplaced. He was indoctrinated to support a move to Socialism yet he served his elitist masters well in enriching them. He pretty much wanted to turn the United States into a banana republic. He helped the U.S. along that path but he himself, was a complete failure. 

So, enjoy the returns. I will be on Twitter and FB and here posting random thoughts. But remember, at the end of the night, it does not matter who wins. We all are losing and we need to get to 'Game Over' quickly so that we can rebuild and truly "Move Forward".

From RT -- Greece grinds to a halt amid mass austerity strike

Someone explain to me why the American media is not covering this. You won't get a cookie if you are right because everyone knows they are on eggshells and do not want to make matters worse for Obama.

From RT

A far-reaching national strike against new austerity measures has left Greece paralyzed. Thousands are marching in the streets of Athens in protest against measures that unions say will sink the country’s already-flagging economy.

The 48-hour strikes have brought most of the country to a standstill, shutting down public transport, schools and air traffic control. Hospitals are also working with skeleton crews. Broadcasts and publications were halted until further notice as journalists joined the nationwide strike.

“About 10,000 people on Syntagma square right now. More arriving. All peaceful,” RT correspondent Peter Oliver wrote on Twitter.

Police cordoned off areas around government buildings in Athens in preparation for possible violence. Extra officers were also called for crowd control during the demonstrations.

The protests are expected to continue throughout the week, culminating on Wednesday to coincide with a parliamentary vote on the new austerity measures.

The new round of budget cuts the Greek parliament will vote on Wednesday has enraged a population already exhausted by economic belt-tightening. Athens is currently debating measures that aim to allay bankruptcy through some $17 billion in cuts by 2016.


Day of the Sheeple Underway

The two party system celebrates another four years of denying Americans real choice by offering us up two candidates who are too similar in policy and where they would take America. Let's face it -- they are two losers who split America down the middle.

The media plays along because they too are bought and paid for. 

If you feel inclined to vote for one of these clowns or vote for someone else who is running, you should make the effort to do so. If you don't support any of these candidates, don't vote.

There are few things sillier in life then voting for the sake of voting or voting for the lesser of two evils. I served in the military and believe me, it wasn't so that you should feel compelled to vote no matter what every year or so.

I've said I think Obama is going to win. He may lose the popular vote but I cannot imagine how he doesn't find a way to steal it, if necessary.

Happy voting, sheeple. You reap what you sow and as long as you play along with the scam, you deserve to suffer. Your kids don't and they are why we need to turn things around and see real change. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

A 21% Chance Of A 50% Plunge In The S&P 500?

From Zero Hedge

Investors' perceptions of risks, both normal (volatility) and tail (event), have intriguingly run to both extremes at the same time. 'Normal' volatility has been so suppressed by Central-Bank action as to become an almost useless indicator (or at best contemporaneous) - or as Artemis Capital notes "volatility has become a shadow currency" with the USD (safe-haven) becoming considerably more correlated with volatility. Extreme volatility concerns are where the 'unintended' consequence has appeared. In a somewhat stunning market realization, options markets currently suggest a 1 in 4.7 chance of a greater-than-50% drop in the S&P over the next year. That is more likely than the lifetime risk of a heart attack. The question then is, are tail-risks over-priced? Or are investors willing to overpay for that kind of 'deflation' insurance since we now know that the impossible is possible!

More at Zero Hedge (w/Cool Charts)

Maybe the Bag of Potatoes is Worth $7

No one told Nanny Bloomberg that if you let these people charge what they want then it will encourage distributors and other entrepreneurs to ship in more supplies. Then a potato will be worth what it was pre-Sandy.


More than 400 possible cases of price gouging of gasoline and other essentials, including a $10 box of matches and $7 loaf of bread, have been reported in New York before and after Sandy.

Reports are being investigated in New York City, the Hudson Valley and on Long Island by state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman.

Schneiderman said Monday that he's investigating an increasing number of reports of spikes in prices for essential goods including gasoline, food, bottled water, generators, batteries and flashlights. The probe can include sharp, unwarranted increases in the cost of prices by retailers including supermarkets, hardware stores, bodegas, delis, hotels and taxis, he said.

In one report, the cost of a bag of potatoes jumped to $7, up from $3 before the storm hit. The cost of the box of matches appears more than three times the usual cost, and the loaf of bread is more than double the usual cost.

New Yorkers can report price gouging by telephone at 800-771-7755 or through his office website.

"We are actively investigating hundreds of complaints we've received from consumers of businesses preying on victims of Hurricane Sandy," Schneiderman said. "Our office has zero tolerance for price gouging."

No arrests were reported as of Monday. Schneiderman wouldn't discuss details of the reports or the investigation.

Obama Romney Jill Stein Meet on the Street

Greetings to All Except for You Two Clowns

Several months back I setup "Expedite the Financial Collapse' as a group on Facebook. It didn't go anywhere largely because I did not spend any time on it. I run several pages on FB and have several other projects and side-gigs going on. But, it had always been my intent to get the group going and also have an associated blog.

So, here we are......

The day before an election with a predictable outcome regardless of who wins. The devil we know is Barack Obama. If he loses, the pundits on the Left will claim that not even the great Obama could stand the never-ending hate machine run by those racist Republicans. And the right will compare him to Carter. If Romney loses he will be tossed aside as another weak candidate. Die-hards on the Right will first cry foul and then will turn on Mittens as they did McCain. 

Romney should win. The shitty economy is on his side and the supposed GOP enthusiasm is on his side. No incumbent has had such miserable economic numbers as Obama and has been able to be reelected. Which is why I am predicting that Obama wins and wins comfortably. 

Let's face it. Most American voters are idiots when it comes to understanding what happens when the government decides to doctor numbers. George Bush doctored the inflation numbers in order to save his job in 2004. Obama is doing the same. Inflation is much higher then reported and unemployment is much higher then reported. 

Sheeple are actually buying into this load that the economy has turned the corner and is slowly coming back up. I'm afraid it is not, sheeple. It is flat to worse then it has been at any time in the past four years. 

Which brings us to the question, "Who do I want to win?" Many disagree with me but I do feel as if Obama will wreck the economy faster then Romney. Congress has shown no ability to stop or even slow down spending and you gotta know a second term Obama will go on a shopping spree. 

Romney will probably show some discipline in spending and will spend less but he will still run up the debt and his campaign rhetoric about the Chinese may lead to the collapse of the dollar. 

I can't say I care for either of these men. Either one will continue to run America into the ground. Since they are going to do it, I say full speed ahead and let's crash this mother before my kids and grandkids are completely deprived of their future.