Wednesday, November 7, 2012

American Election Results Good for Collapse and Chaos

It's interesting reading the reactions to Obama winning reelection. It is as if no one took away any lessons from the past four years. Strategists and schemers are lined up on each side, prepared to hold their position and go to war with each other and ignore any sense of compromise.

Sure, there were token comments made by the two puppets that we need to work together and all that nonsense but you know it isn't going to happen. Even the sheeple that gathered to hear Obama speak in Chicago know that.

Which is a good thing. And, which is a good reason why everyone should feel good that Obama won. Not because he is this great unifier or some shining example of diversity in the United States. No, we should feel good because he will take this election to mean his policies are working -- even when they are not.

The stock market will continue to adore Obama. Fewer jobs - higher profit and what better way to a world of fewer jobs then to impose burdensome government mandates on companies and individuals. Look what the U.S. has to look forward to in the near future.

1. Sequestration -- Congress and the President made a 'deal' to reduce spending or else. Of course neither side was willing to adhere to that deal so we face the fiscal cliff scenario where automatic cuts in defense and social spending kick in. I fully expect these liars to lie once again and push this back. It will be spending as usual. Ben Bernanke will have a non-Viagra induced hard-on once he hears those printing presses whir.

2. Bush Tax Cuts Expiring -- Obama claims he will let the Bush era tax cuts expire which will hurt everyone. His rationale is that he can do it to the upper middle class and wealthy and the middle class will feel no effect. That's bullshit and he knows it. But it makes for great Photoshop material on Facebook.

3. European bailouts -- Oh yes, the evil American empire is footing a good chunk of the bailouts and restructuring (read: handouts) for European banks and governments. Sorry, banks and governments are one and the same.

4. Fed QE programs -- QE 3,4,5,6, etc... will continue under Obama. This means the Fed gets to print more money and artificially keep interest rates low. This is part of a larger Ponzi scheme that is due to crash down around all of them. I can only hope it happens on Obama's watch and he develops and ulcer or goes back to smoking.

We're in for a bumpy ride but hopefully it will produce results. We need this crash and we need it soon. Some believe it will happen within the next six months. A year ago I would have told you it was going to happen this December. It will happen but maybe not for another year or two.

The bankers still need to wring Greece dry, finish off Spain and set their sights on Italy before the whole house of cards comes down.

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