Friday, November 9, 2012

CIA Director Resigns or Was Forced Out -- You Decide

Someone in Washington either wanted CIA Director Petraeus to pay for his insolence in the whole Benghazi coverup. The Obama administration needed the media to coverup the fact that the CIA decided not to roll over and play the fall guy after the attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi that killed the American Ambassador. The CIA let it be known that the White House was responsible for the inaction that took place. Someone didn't like this and apparently played the adultery card on the General, who is now the former CIA director. 

So you may ask, what does this have to do with the economic collapse? Everything. The Obama administration is cleaning house. Hillary, their former enemy, is going. No longer needed they tossed her like a spent whore. Petraeus, who many on the Left at one time accused of plotting a coup with Dick Cheney, is gone and gone in an ugly way. Everyone who had a taint on them is going. Obama is looking for a new crew.

We'll see if he gets rid of tax cheat and fluffer for Wall Street, Tim Geithner. I suspect he won't because Geithner is to Obama what Smithers is to Mr. Burns. A loyal lap dog that will run interference when Obama needs Wall Street to prop up the bankrupt U.S. treasury. 

Mark my words, before the end of this year you will hear rumblings about allowing Obama to run for a third term. And when you do we'll see if people like General Petraeus are really retired.

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