Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Polls Start to Close in Two Hours -- Let the Hilarity Begin

Is it 2012 or 2000 again? Or even 2008? I'm beginning to see why the New Black Panther Party felt compelled to station 'soldiers' in front of polling places in and around Philadelphia. I can also see why the United Nations felt the need to send observers to keep an eye out for shenanigans.

Obama's people are hanging portraits, posters and placing voting machines next to murals depicting their Messiah. Romney supporters are initiating robo-calls and counting on provisional ballots to be tossed out because, in their racist way of thinking, the poor can't fill out a form without some bureaucrat helping them. 

This is the same shit we have dealt with in pretty much every election I have witnessed. My voting record goes back to 1980 and while there have always been shenanigans, they never were so openly accepted. Now, someone breaks the law and someone else is there to question whether they really did. Yes, they really did. 

Of course the media ignores law-breaking when it favors their candidate. The behavior of the media has been so bad, so atrocious, across the board in this election. If Romney pulls this out, it will get even uglier then with Obama.

I'm beginning to wonder whether Obama can pull this out. I picked him to win the electoral but I am beginning to doubt that. I don't have a dog in this hunt so I could care less who does win but I can see the pros and cons of an Obama loss.

The cons are that I felt he would accelerate the collapse of the dollar (and thus the Euro) and we could begin to repair this mess we are in as a planet. That is a major con. This collapse needs to happen and we all need to work towards it's eventuality.

The pros of an Obama loss are that he is a rank amateur who still acts like the naive community organizer who came to the White House four years ago with less management experience then someone working at the Home Depot. His Marxism is misplaced. He was indoctrinated to support a move to Socialism yet he served his elitist masters well in enriching them. He pretty much wanted to turn the United States into a banana republic. He helped the U.S. along that path but he himself, was a complete failure. 

So, enjoy the returns. I will be on Twitter and FB and here posting random thoughts. But remember, at the end of the night, it does not matter who wins. We all are losing and we need to get to 'Game Over' quickly so that we can rebuild and truly "Move Forward".

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