Thursday, November 8, 2012

Greece Approves Austerity Vote as Riots Continue

Maybe one of my friends or readers from Greece will comment on this but how is it possible to have a vote on something so crucial to the economic needs of each citizen and have 18 people abstain? I don't want to pass judgement but I would be more then happy to let you. To me, unless you are on your deathbed you either approve or disapprove. It sounds like a certain State Senator from Illinois who went on to become President a couple years later being known for voting 'Present' over 100 times.

The broader picture is that the people of Greece are being used as pawns by the EU, Angela Merkel, and the banks. That is sad beyond description.

In the U.S., the ramifications of a second Obama term are starting to hit home. The stock market tanked yesterday while belwhether stocks like Apple continue to tumble. This trend will continue as we wait for Congress to fight over taxes and debt.

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